Eggstra! Eggstra!

Life with nine pure-breed chickens...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

First night confusion

At dusk, the girls all gathered around the potting shed door (which has been closed since the morning), and refused to entertain their new home. Not a chance of convincing them to move into their smaller coop, now that they've had a nice big garden shed as an executive home. Creatures of habit these fowl.

A little craftiness is called for...

Once they had all settled in the shed, I went in and scooped each one up in turn and placed them in the new house. Three remained on the perch, while the Marans (who looked most put out) and the Buff (Janet Doroty) decided the floor and the nestbox looked much more appealing. I thought it best not to distress them further by attempting to get them to do otherwise.


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